Warts, Moles and all forms of HPV Sufferers can finally learn what does and does not work, and save themselves from being ripped off
Released on = April 4, 2006, 5:23 am
Press Release Author = U-Save!Websitegroup
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = After 4 Years of hard battles against multiple, stubborn wart strains that have been infecting a young wart victim, a most comprehensive and well researched information resource all-about-warts.info finally released!
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE! 04/04/2006
After 4 Years of hard battles against multiple, stubborn wart strains that have been infecting a young wart victim, a most comprehensive and well researched information resource all-about-warts.info finally released!
Munich, Germany - 04/04/2006 - Warts, Moles and all forms of HPV Sufferers can finally learn what does and does not work, and save themselves from being ripped off.
Caroline was only five years old when she first contracted the dreaded wart virus (HPV). Starting as an innocent little wart on her index finger, the virus rapidly spread onto her whole hand. Eating a healthy diet and leading a sporty lifestyle had not seemed to assist Caroline. The warts grew and grew, clustering and threatening to cover her little right hand from top to bottom...
Her mother (yours humbly) had almost evaporated in despair, seeing her lovely little angle\'s hand deformed with the aggressive wart attack.
The sufferings little Caroline had undergone in the attempts of ridding herself from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which causes the ugly wart growth in the human body, are enough to bring a tear to your eye...
Yet, if that was not enough, the warts had spread to her face (filiform warts) and feet (plantar warts), disabling Caroline for 4 long months from playing, walking, running... In addition, she suffered socially from the warts, was treated as a leper and was made fun of by other children. Oh, the pain and stress...
- How did we all cope? - Have we found a cure to Caroline\'s wart-sufferings? - What worked, what hadn\'t and how much does it cost to discover these things? - Do doctors tell you or your child the truth about their favorite wart removal method? - Can you really get rid of warts fast and without pain?
These questions and more are discussed in the new wart issues site (www.all-about-warts.info) we\'ve both dedicated over 4 years to prepare... Now you too and your loved one (big or small) can find all you need to know about warts / HPV, before you decide to spend your hard earned money or ruin your health with a \"magic\" wart removal solution...
Contact Camilla Klein for more insights into this warty topic. Email: Camilla@all-about-warts.info Other very helpful information regarding wart treatments of all sorts can be found at: http://www.all-about-warts.info.
For More Warts Information Contact: Camilla Klein Camilla@all-about-warts.info http://www.all-about-warts.info
Web Site = http://www.all-about-warts.info
Contact Details = Camila Klein Woerthst 28 Munich , 81667 $$country
4989-44769470 camila@all-about-warts.info http://www.all-about-warts.info
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